Civerous – Stygian Obsession – Anniversary of Afflication


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Depraved death-worshipping metal. A revolting onslaught of challenging, warlike derangement and twisted, nauseating delirium. This release deals a barrage of over 75 minutes of punishment that carry disturbing atmospheres of equal intensity. From the nascent sepulchral blasting onslaught of Civerous’ “Forms of Decrepit Brilliance” to the funereal gloom of Stygian Obsession’s “Slouching Towards Cognizance” that closes the album, a mood of earnest antipathy and bleak abhorrence remain pronouncedly constant.

Originally issued by Pacific Threnodie in 2020, this NEW version features both bands performing their sides of this respective split LIVE in 2021.


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Weight 0,07 kg