OUST tour…

OUST tour…

...continues tomorrow in Berlin!

Some new titles available in the distro, if not all gone, they will be uploaded to the webshop after the tour

12.01 Hamburg - Gängaviertel

13.01 Kopenhagen - Ungdomshuset

14.01-Day off

15.01 Berlin - KvZ

16.01 Görlitz - JUZ Basta

17.01 Warsaw - ADA Putawska

18.01 Krakow - Warsztat

19.01 Brno - Kabinet MUZ

20.01 Prague - Underdogs

21.01 Leipzig - ZxRx




It's my birthday today and I wanna do a little giveaway!

So the 8th order placed in the next 24h will be free, no matter the amount, no matter the destination and not limited to Rope or Guillotine releases, you can choose whatever you want from the webshop. Only limit is, you cannot order multiple copies of the same record.You will have to go through the payment and I'll refund the full amount in 24h.

Wish you all a good start of this year!

Free Palestine!

Past / Present / Future

Past / Present / Future

Some very exciting things planned for 2024, but for now, just wanted to thank everyone who has bought records these past years, either online or at shows. I honestly appreciate it!

2023 has been fairly productive, 3 vinyl releases, and first tape release we ever did. A lot more planned for next year!

Gonna keep this short, so thank you all!

Left to Starve - Vapaj za Mogu​ć​im

Leechfeast / Nightfucker - Split


Peter R De Vries / Hans X Meiser - Split

Convulse Records releases available

Convulse Records releases available

Despite UPS' best efforts to not get this package delivered, we got 10 new Convulse Releases up on our webshop

GEL - Only Constant

Raw Breed - Universal Paranoia

MS Paint - Post-American

Discreet - This is Mine

L.I.B. - Men's Health

Gumm / Slogan Machine

Public Opinion - Modern Convenience

Nag - Human Coward Coyote

Yambag - Strength in Nightmares

Next to those you can also find Cold Brat's Punk in the Digital Age and their split LP with GEL

Diploid’s European starts tomorrow!

Diploid’s European starts tomorrow!

Since 2010, Diploid have been a primal force searing underneath the pyre of Australian heavy music. Crushing, urgent, depressing and fierce, few can stand toe to toe with the blistering vocals, thematic despair and rapid-fire instrumentals that strike straight at a listener’s pressure points. Diploid are antithetic to peace.

After their tour, that was originally planned for 2020, did not happen for obvious reasons, Diploid have made it to the old continent and their three week tour kicks off tomorrow at the legendary Obscene Extreme in Czech Republic!

Very excited to have an EU release of their latest album "I AM YOURS. AND I AM HERE AGAIN." ready just in time for that! Diploid’s fourth album, is a masterclass in musical intensity where elements of grindcore, noise, black metal, hardcore punk, screamo and avant experimentalism are whipped into a cacophonous fury, while staggeringly extreme vocals explore lyrical themes of genocide and radicalisation.

Copies will be available at shows and any potential leftovers will be available from our webshop after the tour.

Mainland dates supported by Son of Seth

UK by Casing

Leechfeast / Nightfucker Split LP is out now!

Leechfeast / Nightfucker Split LP is out now!

Extremely proud of this one!  It has been quite a roller coaster, but here it is, finally. Amazing piece of art, by far the most beautiful Rope or Guillotine release to date.

Vinyl comes with a gold foil stamped inlay / OBI strip with lyrics. Artwork was done by Jaka Vatovec

Head over to CVLT Nation and enjoy.

Thank you!

Distro update

Distro update

Got some really exciting releases in! Restocked a couple of copies of the sold out Crevasse / V0NT Split LP

Southern Lord just did another pressing of Thorr's Hammer's Dommedagsnatt. An amazing record, recorded almost 30 years ago, a must have!

We got a bunch of good punk records from Contraszt - Weak Ties, Strafplanet, Geranium, Finisterre, Limp Blitzkrieg and both Contraszt Ragana releases (You Take Nothing & Wash Away)

We also got a couple of records in from Kink Records - one of favourite LPs of 2022 - Vidro's - Glod, their split with Cankro, Leper and Cobra Death

Leechfeast / Nightfucker – Split LP!!

Leechfeast / Nightfucker – Split LP!!

In a time where the modern human psyche often seems obsessed with evolution, advancement, expediency and a so called constant slope of increase, all too undervalued and unspoken on is the art of dismantlement. Reduction. The mastery of nuance and a deeper understanding of time. The ability to sit in a space, perhaps at times unmoving to feel the moments weight and presence. Perceptions of pacing are often equated aesthetically and symbolically: ‘Blistering hyper-blasts’ or ‘Molasses like doom’ - Yet, more important than anything, one should not be the often too quick to judge a concept based solely on the aspect of movement, but perhaps instead of intent, texture and feeling.

Both of these bands exist as far deeper sums of what is often a quick to categorize sound, and display that innovation, atmosphere, and overall feeling from the result is still the most crucial aspect in the fire of creation regardless of pace, time, or space.

Stream Nightfucker's Causeways on our bandcamp page

Out on March 3rd