Since 2010, Diploid have been a primal force searing underneath the pyre of Australian heavy music. Crushing, urgent, depressing and fierce, few can stand toe to toe with the blistering vocals, thematic despair and rapid-fire instrumentals that strike straight at a listener’s pressure points. Diploid are antithetic to peace.
After their tour, that was originally planned for 2020, did not happen for obvious reasons, Diploid have made it to the old continent and their three week tour kicks off tomorrow at the legendary Obscene Extreme in Czech Republic!
Very excited to have an EU release of their latest album "I AM YOURS. AND I AM HERE AGAIN." ready just in time for that! Diploid’s fourth album, is a masterclass in musical intensity where elements of grindcore, noise, black metal, hardcore punk, screamo and avant experimentalism are whipped into a cacophonous fury, while staggeringly extreme vocals explore lyrical themes of genocide and radicalisation.
Copies will be available at shows and any potential leftovers will be available from our webshop after the tour.
Mainland dates supported by Son of Seth
UK by Casing